As you will hopefully see from the rest of my site, in particular the Testimonials page, I pride myself on providing a high quality of service and workmanship. Here are a few examples of how I do that.
In order to maintain my Approved Contractor status I must undergo a rigorous annual assessment where a randomly selected sample of my works is inspected by the NICEIC Engineer so you can rest assured that my work is to a high standard and independently assessed.
What's more, through the NICEIC's complaints procedure you have the comfort of an independent body to step in in the very unlikely event that you are not satisfied with something I have done.
The NICEIC was the first assessment body for electricians and electrical contractors. They started with the aim of raising and ensuring a high standard of workmanship and are still widely regarded as the premier assessment body in the UK.

During my career, I have worked for customers with some of the most demanding, exacting standards imaginable, both in terms of workmanship and performance and I earnt a reputation amongst them for getting the job done professionally and efficiently.
I have also encountered a wide array of problems, faults and pecularities along the way. That's not to say I've seen them all, but I certainly have the experience to forensically pick apart an installation to find a tricky problem and the skill and knowledge to put it right in the easiest, least disruptive way.

I carry my electronic tablet and a laptop on every job. As well as carrying all my electronic job files, I also have my testing software on them. This allows me to complete my test certificates electronically as I do the testing and I am able to email the test certificate to my customers there and then.
I also have every possible document, Regulation or Standard relating to electrical works in any way that I could ever need. That includes the 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, all the associated Guidance Notes, Building Regulations, Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting British Standards etc so I am prepared for even the most rare situation.

I know how frustrating it is when someone doesn't return your calls or turn up when they say they will so I make a point of endeavouring to return all messages within 24hours (usually sooner) and I turn up when I say I'm going to or communicate if I encounter a problem.
I know how much disruption can be caused when people don't appreciate the impact of what they are doing (or not doing!). I have plans that go awry just the same as anyone, but I handle them professionally; I communicate with my customers and am open and honest and find a solution that suits us both.
See my Testimonials page for genuine, customer reviews.